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Mission, Vision, Values

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Mission, Vision, Values


It is the mission of the Minot Area Chamber EDC to advocate for and invest in business activity by being a collaborative partner in the community, focused on improving quality of life for all. 


To be the go-to organization for our business community to drive key initiatives that build and strengthen our economy.


Advocacy: We serve as the champion and voice for business by representing the best interests of our member investors at local, regional, and national levels.

Catalyst: We are a catalyst and convener for regional economic development focused on business expansion, retention and recruitment.

Collaboration: We are stronger and better together. Partnership is the core of what we do, working together to strengthen our community.

Community: We focus on creating a diverse community in which people want to live, work, and play.

Leadership: We encourage community involvement and provide opportunities for engagement and leadership development.

Integrity: We are stewards of the community resources with which we have been entrusted.

Responsible by Nature
A cooperative, financial institution.
Minot's only locally owned, hometown bank.