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As a city that sprang up overnight like “magic,” Minot continues to live out its legacy as “The Magic City.”  Our ever-growing community still embodies the small town feel and closeness with a thriving economy, hard-working Midwestern workforce, and top-quality academic of excellence. Minot is strategically located in mid-central North Dakota and serves as a trading center for not only the Midwest but also our friends from the North- Canada. Minot is the right location for both your business and your family.

Fun Facts That Make Minot and North Dakota Memorable:

  • Minot is home to the North Dakota State Fair
  • Minot Air Force Base is the only base in the U.S. Air Force housing two components of the nuclear triad
  • North Dakota was recognized as the #1 Best State to Raise a Family (Business Insider, 2017)
  • Minot was awarded $74.3M in 2016 through the National Disaster Resilience Competition
  • Minot hosts the largest Scandinavian festival in North America- the Norsk Høstfest
  • With more than 13 million online votes from across the nation, Minot’s Oak Park won the title of “America’s Favorite Park” and received a $100,000 grant through Coca-Cola’s second annual Live Positively initiative
  • Minot is one of the smallest cities in the U.S. to support a full symphony orchestra
  • Minot is the hometown of Hollywood A-list actor, Josh Duhamel
  • North Dakota has more national wildlife refuges (62) than any other state.
  • North Dakota produces more honey than any other state
  • The Midwest Travel Network has selected North Dakota as its Travel Destination of the Year for 2020. 

The Magic City

How did Minot get its nickname as the Magic City? In 1886, railroad construction crews set up their winter camp in Minot, North Dakota, which at that time was located at the end of the Great Northern Railway. Within a short 5 months Minot’s population grew to over 5,000, like “magic.” In 2011, Minot suffered a severe flood. 12,000 people were displaced from their homes, but with community love and support fewer than 300 people were placed into shelters. Those displaced from the flood were absorbed into the community and found comfort in the homes of their friends, families, and community. Today, Minot’s legacy as the Magic City remains stronger than ever.
A cooperative, financial institution.
Minot's only locally owned, hometown bank.