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The Minot Area Chamber Economic Development Corporation (EDC) is a nonprofit organization formed when the Minot Area Chamber of Commerce and the Minot Area Development Corporation (MADC) merged into one organization on January 1, 2021. 

The organization exists to promote business, leadership, and growth for the Minot area while facilitating business attraction, expansion, retention, and advocacy to diversify and strengthen the Minot area. The goal of the new organization is to do more for the community with the same amount of revenue that was collected by the organizations separately. 

Economically, Minot Area Chamber EDC strategically targets the primary sector. A primary sector business brings new dollars into a community through the sale of its products and services outside the trade area. The primary sector is the principal driver of economic development and is the foundation of an economy. 

All in a day’s work. That’s the feeling at the Minot Area Chamber EDC, as the staff is busy each day promoting its 700+ members while working to be the voice of business. It’s not unusual to find us next to a large inflatable sign for a Membership Drive, or elbow-deep into pulled pork and beans serving for a Military Day at the Zoo. The Chamber EDC, a privately member-owned business, is a strong part of the community. The Chamber EDC has small businesses, corporations, and home-based businesses that all make up the membership. That makes us as a business community stronger when influence is needed to make things happen locally, statewide or nationally, because together, over 700 members can make a difference.

Employees of Chamber EDC member businesses are members as well. That means plenty of involvement in committees, networking opportunities, and workshops.

The experienced staff has the knowledge and expertise to help in promoting members and working on the issues that affect the business community. As ‘Partners in Progress”, the Minot Area Chamber EDC.



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