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Cost of Living

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Cost of Living

Minot’s cost of living is 9.3% under the national average for the 3rd quarter of 2024. (U.S. Average Composite Index = 100%) The cost of living index is published by the American Chamber of Commerce Researchers Association (ACCRA). The ACCRA Cost of Living Index measures differences between areas in the cost of consumer goods and services, excluding tax-es and non-consumer expenditures. It is based on 100,000 data points, for which prices are col-lected quarterly by the Minot Area Chamber EDC and 288 other urban areas across the nation. 

This is a snapshot in time and does not indicate a change from a prior quarter, nor can it be compared to a prior quarter.
ND Metro 
Grand Forks,
ND-MN Metro   
Fargo, ND-
MN Metro
100% Composite Index         90.7 89.2 91.1 97.5 90.3
Grocery Items 94.8 98.9 91.5 99.2 97.3
Housing  73.9 72.5 85.3 87.3 91.8
Utilities   83.7 83.6 79.4 78.0 79.1
Transportation 103.6 103.2 97.0 97.1 92.9
Healthcare 103.0 104.6 92.5 122.6 103.5
Misc. Goods 99.1 93.7 96.7 107.2 86.2

(Source: C2ER)

Sample Wages for our area

Sample Wages 2020

Occupational Employment and Wage Rates (OES) for Annual Mean Wage.  (Labor Market Information Center)
Assessed Value
Residential Homes 2020                                              Annual Tax

$175,000                                                                             $2,617
$225,000                                                                             $3,365
$275,000                                                                             $4,112

(Estimates are for Minot Public School District Zone)

Trinity Health
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