We want to thank everyone who took the time out of their day to attend our Workforce Summit at the Minot Area Workforce Academy. It was an insightful day filled with opportunities to connect with leaders about workforce challenges and resources in North Dakota.
We heard from a panel of expert speakers including Pat Bertagnolli from Job Service North Dakota sharing programs and updates, Katie Ralston Howe from the North Dakota Dept. of Commerce who discussed the Workforce Development Council and upcoming legislative session, Jessica Thomasson from ND Health and Human Services speaking about childcare updates and resources, Jane Vangsness-Frisch from the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce talking about the Good Jobs Challenge Grant, and Paige Kuntz from the North Dakota Office of Legal Immigration sharing workforce insights. Additionally, there was a panel of North Dakota Legislators where Rep. Emily O’Brien, Rep. Cynthia Schreiber-Beck, and Rep. Paul Thomas sharing their insights on workforce issues.
We're so grateful to have so many partners joining us to speak and listen! If you want a refresher on the event or didn’t get the chance to attend, you can check out the speakers’ slides below:
Workforce Development Council Presentation
Child Care Presentation
Good Jobs Challenge Presentation
Office of Legal Immigration Presentation