Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Provides Training Assistant
Posted: Oct 18 2021
Looking for employees, but not finding applicants with all the qualifications needed? In today's market it can be a challenge to find a qualified candidate.
Employers should consider On-the-Job Training (OJT). Job Service North Dakota may be able to assist you with the costs associated with providing OJT through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a federally funded program tht provides training assistance to eligible individuals. See below for specific training opportunities and eligible training provider information.
WIOA On-the-Job Training (OJT) is training conducted in a work environment designed to enable indviduals to learn a bona fide skill and/or qualify for a particular occupation through demonstration and practice.
After an OJT contract has been negotiated and signed, the employer then hires the participants as a regular employee and begins training according to the contract. The goal of this training is to retain the trainee as a permanent employee. OJT involves individuals at the entry level. Training is designed to help participants reach their fullest potential and become self-sufficient in the job.
Under WIOA, OJT is an option for eligible participants. Meaning the applicant you are considering hiring must qualify for the program. Employers can be reimbursed up to 50 percent of the hourly wage during the training period which can run from 4 to 26 weeks. The applicant cannot be hired prior to the formal contract between the employer and Job Service being developed, signed and in place.
Any questions can be directed to Cindy Bitz at 701-857-7546 or by email at