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North Dakota Focused on Workforce Development

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North Dakota Focused on Workforce Development

Posted: Jan 05 2022
North Dakota Focused on Workforce Development
The North Dakota Department of Commerce has launched a talent attraction and retention program with RoleCall, a national economic development and talent attraction agency. Over the next two years, Commerce and RoleCall will be working to attract talent and connect them with the over 35,000 (and growing) job openings across the state.

The program will include marketing written specifically to build interest in the lifestyle that North Dakota offers, but we know that’s not enough. RoleCall will work behind the scenes to create pathways to connect interested candidates to employers and connectors throughout the state. As part of the campaign, RoleCall will create forms and landing pages to capture leads and gather their information — name, email, hometown, resume, etc. Then, the candidates will be distributed through the Department of Commerce to stakeholders.

Commerce and RoleCall are in the process of meeting with employers and economic developers across the state to learn the unique needs and challenges that exist. The goal is to build new relationships, inform stakeholders, spark collaboration, and leverage existing success as we work together to target and recruit new talent.

If there are questions, please feel free to reach out to the team listed to the right. Over the next several weeks, RoleCall will continue to meet virtually with people and organizations interested in learning more about how to participate.

Department of Commerce:

Katie Ralston

Melyssa Diebold


Tim Carty

Winona Dimeo-Ediger
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