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Nominations for 2022 Board of Directors

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Nominations for 2022 Board of Directors

Posted: Dec 06 2021
Nominations for 2022 Board of Directors
The Minot Area Chamber EDC nominating committee met and is recommending the following candidates to serve an additional board term: Ryan Ackerman President/Chief Executive Officer Ackerman-Estvold, Cassidy Hjelmstad Chief Executive Officer SRT Communications, Dr. Steven Shirley President Minot State University, and Dr. Mark Vollmer Superintendent Minot Public School District. Nominees have been proposed for three-year terms on the Minot Area Chamber EDC Board of Directors beginning January 1, 2022. Any questions on the nominating process, please contact the Chamber EDC office. The membership at large can, through a petition nominate a candidate(s) with a petition consisting of 15% of the voting membership (main representative of the member/investor), which must be submitted to the Chamber EDC office by December 17.

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