The North Dakota State Fair says “Thank You” to military families by providing discounts during the Fair on Tuesday, July 27. Military Day at the Fair is sponsored by the Minot Area Chamber EDC Military Affairs Committee.
Sponsored by the ND Beef Commission in partnership with the ND Stockmen’s Association, and the ND Cattle Women, the 14th Annual Beef Industry Military Appreciation Picnic, a free roast beef picnic is served for active duty, reserve, and National Guard members and their families. The picnic lunch will be offered from 11 am - 1 pm, located behind Commercial Building II on the NE corner of the ND State Fairgrounds. There are also free carnival rides from 1:00 - 3:00 pm with Military ID. Coupons can be found at the Minot Area Chamber EDC office or at the Minot Air Force Base Visitor Center.
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