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First successful Find the Good Life ND Relocation in Minot

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First successful Find the Good Life ND Relocation in Minot

Posted: Jul 22 2022
Meet Travis (pictured left). He is our FIRST successful Find the Good Life in North Dakota relocation participant!! ??????
Travis, Mark Lyman, and Brekka Kramer

Travis inquired through our Relocation Help Desk at the end of June about making a change from his current city in Washington state. Travis was actively putting in applications for a job in the IT industry in other states when he happened to come across Find the Good Life in North Dakota. He was tired of the expensive cost of living in his current state and frustrated at not being able to find a good-paying job in his career field. Travis is a recent college grad who enjoys hunting and needs reliable internet to connect with his military friends since they moved away. Having a variety of excellent restaurants and the opportunity to live in a semi-rural area was also very important to Travis.

The Relocation Help Desk team connected Travis with Susan Ogurek from Job Service North Dakota, as well as Mark Lyman (pictured center) and Brekka Kramer (pictured right) from Minot Area Chamber EDC. Susan was able to help him tweak his resume and send him multiple job opportunities. Mark helped answer questions about the community and connected him with more locals as he wanted to get answers from real people instead of reading it on a website. Travis decided to move to Minot based on the helpful and proactive community that was ready and excited to welcome him. He arrived last week and started a position with ProIT, LLC this past Monday.

Travis said, “Thank you so much for recommending Minot. I am loving the area so far and really looking forward to my new life here!”

Thank you to all of our partners and Community Champions! Because of you, Travis is the first of many, many more who will Find the Good Life in North Dakota. #GoodLifeND

Feeling inspired to make a move of your own? We'd love to help. Visit North Dakota's Relocation Help Desk to start your path to the Good Life today:

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