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Saturday Forums Held with Minot Area Legislators

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Saturday Forums Held with Minot Area Legislators

Posted: Jan 13 2025
Join the Minot Area Chamber EDC for Saturday forums held throughout the session at the North Dakota State Fair Center. Attendees will have a chance to interact with Minot area legislators and get updates on the session and specific bills. All forums will start at 9:00 a.m. and end on or before 11:00 a.m.

January 25 | Norsk Room

February 1 | Norsk Room

February 15 | Norsk Room

March 15 | Heritage Suites Room

March 29 | Norsk Room

April 5 | Norsk Room

Minot Area Legislators:


It is the mission of the Minot Area Chamber EDC to advocate for and invest in business activity by being a collaborative partner in the community, focused on improving quality of life for all. Advocacy is a key component of the work we are focused on as we serve as the champion and voice for business by representing the best interests of our member investors at local, regional and national levels. As we enter the 69th Legislative Assembly, we wanted to provide contact information for your Minot Area legislators and an overview of the upcoming session.

Key Legislative Dates:

January 7 - Session begins (State of the State Address)

January 20 - Deadline for representatives to introduce legislation

January 27 - Deadline for senators to introduce legislation

January 30 - Deadline for introducing resolutions, except constitutional amendments and study resolutions

February 25 - Bills and resolutions, except constitutional amendments and study resolutions, must be reported out of committee in house of origin

February 28 - Crossover date for bills

March 3 & 4 - Recess

March 5 - Reconvene from crossover break

March 7 - Study resolutions and proposed constitutional amendments must be reported out of committee

March 12 - Crossover date for resolutions

April 9 - Bills and resolutions must be reported out of committee in second house

May 2 - Session must end (session limited to 80 legislative days)

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