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Workforce Training Incentives

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Workforce Training Incentives

North Dakota New Jobs Training Program

Primary-sector businesses and industries can secure funding to help offset the cost of training new employees for expansion and/or startup.

• Funding for this program can come from a loan, grant, or other self-financing options
• Funds under the New Jobs Training Program are then made available through the capture of state income tax withholding generated from the new, permanent, full-time positions that are created
• To access this funding a new employer in North Dakota must create a minimum of five new jobs
• To access this funding a current expanding business in North Dakota must add at least one more job to their base employment

Requests for information or for North Dakota New Jobs Training Program funding applications should be submitted to:

Workforce Programs
Job Service North Dakota
P.O. Box 5507
Bismarck, ND 58506-5507
Telephone: 701-328-3358
Fax: 701-328-4894
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